You can find vegetarian foods maked with a "V" after the name of a food, in the list, situated on the left side. It is written in parentheses that the preparation is easy, needs routin or hard for a beginner, in each recipe under their names.

The recipes are made for 3-4 people's portion.

Tip: a heaped spoonful sugar/flour/cocoa/wheat-meal = 20 grams = 0.706 ounce.

Good cooking and baking! Enjoy your meal!

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Crabsalad with mozzarella

(easy to make)


500 g crab
3 tablespoon olive oil
4 medium sized tomato
1 cucumber
1 mozzarella
1 green pepper
1 teaspoon salt
3 dl natural yogurt
1 bag spring salad dressing

1, Clean the tomatoes and the green pepper, then cut them into small pieces. Peel the cucomber and cut it into small pieces. Pour off the liquid from the mozzarella and cut it into small pieces. Mix the vegetables with the mozzarella and salt it.

2, Roast the crab in 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a slow oven. After the crab boils away its liquid roast it for more 10-15 minutes.

3, Mix the dressing with 1 tablespoon olive oil and add in gradually the natural jogurt during mixing it. Add the dressing into the vegetables. Mix 90% of the roasted crab to the salad. The other 10 % will be the decoration on the salad on the portions.

Preparation time: 40 minutes

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